Русский Паломник

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky. На английском языке.

Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky. На английском языке.
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цена: 620 рублей
Арт.: 5812

 Параметры книги вес: 600 грамм
год издания: 2009
страниц: 436
обложка: мягкая
бумага: офсетная
шрифт: обычный
язык: английский
формат: 150х240мм (60х100/16)
издатель: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood
ISBN: 0-938635-69-7

       Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky's Orthodox Dogmatic Theology has long been regarded as a standard source of Orthodox theology. Since its publication in Russian in 1963, it has been used as the main theology textbook at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York; and since the publication of the first English edition in 1983, it has come to be regarded throughout the English-speaking world as one of the best introductory books on Orthodox theology. Written clearly, simply and concisely, this modern-day classic is accessible not only to theology students but to the contemporary layman in general. As one deeply rooted in the tradition of the Orthodox Church, Fr. Michael quotes abundantly from the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Holy Fathers, being concerned to present, not human opinions, but Divine Revelation, which has been handed down to us as the Church's certain, unchanging teaching.

       "In the writings of Fr. Michael Pomazansky, one may see a characteristic of genuine Orthodox theology that is so often lost sight of in our cold, rationalistic age. Theology is not primarily a matter of arguments, criticisms, proofs and disproofs; it is first of all men's word about God, in accordance with the Divinely revealed teaching of Orthodoxy. Therefore, its first purpose and intent is always to inspire, to warm the heart, to lift one above the petty preoccupations of earth in order to glimpse the Divine beginning and end of all things and so to give one the energy and encouragement to struggle towards God and our heavenly homeland...
       "Fr. Michael's theology is in this warm-hearted and inspiring tone. He is not the only one to write Orthodox theology with this intent today, but he is one of the few, in an older generation that is fast vanishing, who can serve as a link between us and the genuine theology of the Holy Fathers... Orthodox Dogmatic Theology is his masterpiece."
       - Hieromonk Seraphim Rose

       Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky (1888—1988) graduated from the Kiev Theological Academy in 1912. Afterwards he labored as a missionary priest and as a teacher both in Russia and abroad, while at the same time writing for numerous Orthodox journals. From 1950, he taught Dogmatic Theology, Greek and Church Slavonic at Holy Trinity Seminary in New York. He continued teaching and writing theological works into his nineties, and reposed just days short of his hundredth birthday.

       Hieromonk Seraphim Rose (1934-1982), the translator and original editor of the English edition, was an American convert to the Orthodox faith who labored as a priest-monk, writer, publisher and missionary in the mountains of northern California. Today he is one of the best-loved spiritual writers in Russia and Eastern Europe.


Editor's Preface to the Third Edition by Hieromonk Damascene
About the Author—Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky: Theology in the Ancient Tradition by Hieromonk Seraphim Rose
Translators Preface by Hieromonk Seraphim Ros
Author's Preface to the English Translation by Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky

1. The Sources of Christian Doctrine: The Concern of the Church for the Purity of Christian Teaching. — Dogmas. - The Sources of Dogmas. — Sacred Scripture. — Sacred Tradition. — The Catholic Consciousness of the Church. — Dogmas and Canons. — The Works of the Holy Fathers and Teachers of the Church as a Guide in Questions of Faith. — The Truths of Faith in the Divine Services
2. Expositions of Christian Teaching: The Symbolical Books. - Dogmatic Systems
3. Dogmatic Theology: Dogmatics and Faith. - Theology and Science; Theology and Philosophy


Chapter 1: Our Knowledge of God
The Dogma of Faith. — Belief or Faith as an Attribute of the Soul. — The Power of Faith. — The Source of Faith
The Nature of Our Knowledge of God. - The Essence of God. -The Attributes of God. — What Does the Sacred Scripture Testify concerning the Attributes of God? — The Unity of God

Chapter 2: The Dogma of the Holy Trinity
Indications of the Trinity of Persons in God in the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament. - The Divinely Revealed Teaching of the Holy Trinity in the New Testament. - The Confession of the Dogma of the Holy Trinity in the Ancient Church
The Personal Attributes of the Divine Persons. — The Name of the Second Person — the Word. — On the Procession of the Holy Spirit.
The Oneness of Essence, the Equality of Divinity, and the Equality of Honor of the Persons of the Holy Trinity. — The Oneness of Essence, the Equality of Divinity, and the Equality of Honor of God the Son with God the Father. - The Oneness of Essence, the Equality of Divinity, and the Equality of Honor of the Holy Spirit with God the Father and God the Son
Transition to the Second Part of Dogmatic Theology


Chapter 3: God and the Creation
The Manner of the World's Creation. — The Motive for the Creation. -The Perfection of the Creation
The Creation, Nature, and Purpose in the Angelic World. — Angels in Sacred Scripture. — The Creation of Angels. — The Nature of Angels. — The Degree of Angelic Perfection. — The Number and Ranks of Angels. — The Ministry of the Angels
Man, the Crown of Creation. - The Soul as an Independent Substance Distinct from the Body. — The Origin of the Souls of Individual Men. — The Immortality of the Soul. — Soul and Spirit. - The Image of God in Man. — The Purpose of Man
From the Majesty of the Creation to the Incomparable Majesty of the Creator
Chapter 4: The Providence of God
God's General Providence over the World. — God's Providence over Man before the Fall
Chapter 5: Concerning Evil and Sin
1. Evil and Sin in the World. — 2. The Fall in the Angelic World: The World of Dark and Evil Spirits. — 3. Man's Fall into Sin. — 4. Original Sin
Chapter 6: God and the Salvation of Mankind
The Economy of Our Salvation
The Preparation of the Human Race to Receive the Saviour
The Incarnation of the Son of God
. - The Lord Jesus Christ: True God. - The Human Nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. - The Church's Battle with Errors concerning the Divinity and Humanity of Jesus Christ. — The Manner of the Union of the Two Natures in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. — The Sinlessness of the Human Nature of Jesus Christ. - The Unity of the Hypostasis of Christ. — The One Worship of Christ. —A Word on the Latin Cult of the "Heart of Jesus."
Dogmas Concerning the Most Holy Mother of God: A. The Ever-Virginity of the Mother of God. - B. Most Holy Virgin Mary Is Theotokos. - The Proclamation by the Roman Church of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception and the Dogma of the Bodily Assumption of the Mother of God. —The Cult of the "Immaculate Heart" of the Most Holy Virgin in the Roman Church
The Dogma of Redemption. - The Lamb of God Who Taketh Away the Sin of the World (John 1:29). — The General Economy of Salvation: A. The Condition of the World before the Coming of the Saviour. — B. The General Salvation of the World in Christ. -C. The Personal Rebirth and New Life in Christ. - The Word "Redemption" in the Usage of the Apostles. — A Note on the Roman Catholic Teaching
The Triple Ministry of the Lord: A. Christ the High Priest. — B. Christ the Evangelizer (The Prophetic Ministry of the Lord). -С Christ, the Head and King of the World (The Royal Ministry of Christ). -- How is One to Understand "The Deification of Humanity in Christ"?
The Resurrection of Christ. — The Saving Fruits of the Resurrection of Christ: A. The Victory over Hell and Death. — B. The Blessedness of the Saints in Heaven, and the Beginning of the Existence of the Great Kingdom of Christ, the Heavenly Triumphant Church. — С. The Sending Down of the Holy Spirit and the Establishment of the Church of Christ on Earth

Chapter 7: The Church of Christ
The Concept of the Church of Christ on Earth. — The Beginning of the Church's Existence, Its Growth, and Its Purpose
The Head of the Church. — The Close Bond between the Church of Christ on Earth and the Church of the Saints in Heaven
The Attributes of the Church. - The Unity of the Church. - The Sanctity of the Church. — The Catholicity of the Church. — The Apostolic Church
The Church Hierarchy. - Apostles. - Bishops. - Presbyters (priests). — Deacons. — The Three Degrees of the Hierarchy. — The Councils of the Church. - The Succession and the Uninterruptedness of the Episcopate in the Church. — The Position of Pastorship in the Church

Chapter 8: The Holy Mysteries (Sacraments) The Life of the Church in the Holy Spirit

The New Life
Grace. — The Providence of God and Grace
The Mysteries (Sacraments)
The Mystery (Sacrament) of Baptism. - The Establishment of the Mystery of Baptism. - The Meaning of the Mystery. - The Means of the Performance of the Mystery. — The Indispensability of Baptism. - Baptism: the Door to the Reception of Other Grace-giving Gifts
The Mystery (Sacrament) of Chrismation. — The Original Means of the Performance of this Mystery. — Chrism and Its Sanctification
The Mystery (Sacrament) of the Eucharist. - The Saviour's Words before the Establishment of the Mystery. — The Establishment of the Mystery and Its Performance in Apostolic Times. - The Changing of the Bread and Wine in the Mystery of the Eucharist. - Some Observations on the Manner in Which the Lord Jesus Christ Remains in the Holy Gifts. - The Relation of the Eucha-rist to the Sacrifice on Golgotha. - The Significance of the Eucharist as a Sacrifice. — Conclusions of a Liturgical Character. — The Necessity and Saving Nature of Communion of the Holy Mysteries
The Mystery (Sacrament) of Repentance. - The Institution of the Mystery. - Epitimia (Penance). - The Roman Catholic View. — Spiritual Guidance
The Mystery (Sacrament) of Priesthood. - Cheirotoniu in the Ancient Church. - "Election" and "Ordination" in the Ancient Church. - The Essence and Effectuating Words of the Mystery. -The Celibacy of Bishops
The Mystery (Sacrament) of Marriage. — The Purpose of the Christian Family. - The Significance of the Mystery. - The Central Moment of the Mystery. — Marriage as a Divine Institution. — The Indissolubility of Marriage
The Mystery (Sacrament) of Unction. — The Essence of the Mystery. - The Divine Institution of the Mystery. - Unction among Protestants and Roman Catholics

Chapter 9: Prayer As the Expression of the Inward Life of the Church

The Spiritual Bond of the Members of the Church in Prayer. - Prayer for the Dead. — Communion in Prayer with the Saints
The Outward Side of Prayer (Physical). — The Veneration of Icons. -The Veneration of Holy Relics.
The Path of the Christian. - The Cross of Christ: the Path, the Power, and the Banner of the Church

Chapter 10: Christian Eschatology The Future Fate of the World and Mankind

The Particular Judgment: The Fate of Man after Death until the General Judgment
The Signs of the Nearness of the Day of the Second Coming of the Lord and the Last Judgment
The Second Coming of the Son of Man
The Resurrection of the Dead. — The Error of Chiliasm
The End of the World
The Universal Judgment
The Kingdom of Glory


Appendix I
On the New Currents in Russian Philosophico-Theological Thought, from the Point of View of the Dogmas of the Orthodox Christian Faith

1. The Question of Dogmatic Development. — 2. Philosophy and Theology. — 3. Remarks on the Religio-Philosophical System of V. S. Soloviev. — 4. The Teaching of the Wisdom of God in Holy Scripture

Appendix II
The Ecumenical Councils and the Heresies That Have Attacked the Church's Teaching

The Ecumenical Councils
The Heresies Which Disturbed the Church in the First Millennium: The First to Third Centuries; The Fourth to Ninth Centuries

Appendix III
Fathers and Teachers of the Church and Church Writers Mentioned in the Text of
Orthodox Dogmatic Theology
A. Before the Council of Nicaea. — B. The Fourth and Fifth Centuries: 1. In the East; 2. In the West. — С Later Fathers and Teachers
Scriptural Index

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